Fall Sports Are Back in Action
Seventh grader Declan Zinkil cools off from practice during a break in the action on August 30.
What is different about this fall compared to last fall at TBS? Well, for one, The Benjamin School is proud to announce that middle school fall sports are back for the first time since 2019. The sports that Benjamin offers in the fall are girls’ volleyball and boys’ tackle football.
Both the players and coaches are more than ready to take the field and court to play competitively once again. New seventh-grade science teacher Dr. Nicolee Inguagiato is one of those coaches. “I’m really excited to have the girls back in person and everyone back in person,” she said. “I did coach last year but at a different location, and we did have students playing, but we did not play interstitially – we just played intramurals against each other. So it’s really exciting to get everyone back in the gym, making sure they are getting fit and ready to go and to compete. I am really excited to compete against other schools. It will be fun,” said Dr. Inguagiato.
“This is my thirty-fourth year of coaching and teaching, and it’s nice to be back to some normalcy,” said Head Football Coach Mr. Greg Keller.
However, as Keller noted, there were some positives to come out of last year’s intramural season.
“I have to say the COVID year was kind of nice because it helped us work on fundamentals more,” said Keller. “We really don’t have that time to do that always in every sport that I coach, and it was a nice change,” said Keller.
The students are ready for the competition as well. “It’s cool because I’ve never played competitively and last year it was fun, but we only got to play against each other,” said seventh-grade volleyball player Grace Vinning.
“It’s great to be out there with my friends and play against other schools that are as competitive as we are,” said seventh-grade starting quarterback Joseph Allen III.
The home football games will also be live streamed from Kennerly Field this year, just like the boys’ and girls’ lacrosse games last spring. So, even for those parents or fans who don;t feel safe coming to campus, they can still watch from the comfort of their own home.
With fall sports back in action, though, it seems like the school year is getting back to some sort of normalcy.