Superteams are when two or more NBA stars join a team together in hopes of an easy championship. Some stars with their names floating around in the media include multiple superstars such as Stephen Curry, LeBron James, Anthony Edwards, and Kevin Durant. Seventh grader Lucas Hill said that “Superteams are unfair because they run the NBA.” Showing how when many great players come together it is extremely hard for other teams to stay competitive which makes watching basketball boring.
LeBron and Steph, although famously longtime rivals, seemed to become friends during the 2024 Basketball Olympics. The talk is that although both have four championships each, they have been struggling in the playoffs recently. Steph missed the playoffs last season due to Klay Thompson’s injury and Kevin Durant’s departure and LeBron has not won a championship since 2020, which because of the pandemic forcing teams out of contention and forcing many players to leave, many people believe that it was a weak championship Nevertheless, both of them are becoming desperate to be on the top of the basketball world once again. The easy part is envisioning them together on top of basketball again, the hard part is where the complications are. Steph has been on the same team since 2009 which makes it hard to imagine him leaving, though LeBron currently is on his third team. This makes the most likely scenario being LeBron coming to Golden State. However, the Lakers will not just give him up for free.

The Warriors will be forced to trade valuable assets such as Kuminga, who has taken a huge leap from last season in terms of production and is looking like he can become an All-Star if he continues to grow like this. They also will have to part with Andrew Wiggins, a former All-Star who has been struggling way below his standards of being a lock down one on one defender and a lob threat.. The problem is he is not worth as much as he used to as an asset. If the team traded him right after 2022 when he was a All-Star and a lockdown defender on Jayson Tatum, they would get a lot more for him. They should not trade Wiggins when his stock is the lowest just as they way as if you invested in Apple and there was a stock market crash it would be a bad choice to sell it when it’s at its lowest. They also might have to trade their outstanding rookie Brandin Podemski who can seriously contribute in the near future.
Another potential superteam that people would love to see includes Kevin Durant joining the Warriors. When asked which players are most likely to team up, seventh grader Alexis Arwood said “Kevin Durant and Steph Curry,” Kevin Durant was a member of the Bay for three years, in which they were in the finals all of the three years they were together and won championships in two of them- although it’s important to note that in the year they did not win their team was missing many key players to injury, including Kevin Durant himself. After Durant left to prove he could win without Steph by joining another superteam, it was extremely disappointing, and Steph won another championship. Nevertheless Steph and Durant are still great friends, and there has been speculation about this ‘cheat code’ of a team coming together again.
When Kevin Durant was playing with Steph on the Olympic team, many experts and fans believed he missed playing with Steph. We have seen whenever they are together they absolutely dominate. The only problem is the actual trade. The Suns are over the second apron team, which is when a big market team with rich owners decides to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on players to win a championship. Which would make it unfair to small market teams. This financial situation makes it very hard to make big trades. The Warriors will have to trade more players than they would have normally to match Durant’s enormous contract. That is not the big problem though-because of all the players they are trading, the Suns will have to trade a few picks as well. Teams are allowed to trade their future picks for players as a sort of gamble because the pick could be the first or last. Although when a team trades their picks, if they screw up they could be terrible and not have any picks to find a new star. Which would not be a problem if the Suns did not only have five picks left to trade until 2032 which would make this deal very difficult for the Suns. But if they really want to get this deal done it will be possible.
Steph is not the only player Durant is linked to. Edward’s Timberwolves swept Durant’s Suns last season, and we learned Anthony Edwards loves to trash talk which he especially did to Durant. Though he seems to have it out for Durant, something peculiar happened. Edwards started to follow Durant around everywhere and saw him as a mentor. There was a viral post about how during Team USA basketball practice Durant helped Edwards fix his jumper and gave him a couple tips. Anthony Edwards suddenly seems to idolize Durant and follows him everywhere he goes. When Durant gets off the bus, Edwards gets off the bus. When Durant is practicing, Edwards is practicing. One of the best parts of all this is that Edwards and Durant’s game compliment each other perfectly. We also learned that the trash talk between the two was not personal when the Olympic final was played, Edwards scored an impressive on his teammate back on the Timberwolves, Rudy Gobert, and even Gobert got the trash talk from his own teammate. This is reassuring because fans believed that Edwards and Durant had some personal hate for each other but we now know Edwards likes to trash talk everyone. Because of this it looks Durant and Edwards don’t have any hate for each other.
Historically, many superteams have been formed through the Olympic games, Such as Lebron, Chris Bosh, and Dwayne Wade in Miami thirteen years ago. It also is important to note that Durant, Curry, and James are all going to be free agents in 2026, which means they can leave their team that year with no strings attached. Seventh grader Carter Munson said,“I think superteams run the NBA because if there were no superteams there would be no upsets.” Either way whatever happens will be super exciting to watch this season. Seventh grader Hudson Martin said, “It’s a great opportunity for players to dominate together.”