Petitions are fundamental for creating an environment where everyone is included and has an opportunity to share their opinions. Specifically, in a school environment, petitions are crucial for giving the student body a voice. A petition can be defined as “a formal written request, typically one signed by many people, appealing to authority with respect to a particular cause.”
Eighth grader Isabella Levi-Minzi says, “I think petitions are important in a school environment because it shows how we care about what our school represents and stands for.” Annabel Brown, another eighth grade student, feels petitions are important, “… because [petitions] gives students freedom of speech and they can express themselves.” Schools always

have a set of rules for which students must follow. Petitions, however, allow students to give their opinion on the rules and give options for other rules that could be set in place.
Mr. Saccone, an eighth grade science teacher, says, “I think it’s really important for students’ voices to be heard because they are an integral part of the school community and I think that petitions are a peaceful and respectful way to express students’ desires and needs. Petitions are a method to make positive change…in the school and will translate well to making positive change in the real world.”
Petitions can be used for a plethora of reasons. A recent petition, which was started by eighth grader Cecilia Hansen, in the Benjamin Middle School, supported the cause of girls’ volleyball players being able to wear their jerseys during the school day. She started this petition because she felt it was unfair how other students can wear their jerseys for different sports. Levi-Minzi supported this cause and stated, “The Benjamin Bucs should show their spirit and show everyone that they have a game so then people can come and show their support.” The girls were eventually allowed to wear their jerseys, which they were extremely content with. Having equal rules for all students creates a sense of community and equality for everyone.

In addition, (during the 2023-2024 school year) Isabella Anthon, a now ninth grader at The Benjamin Upper school, petitioned for study halls to be in the middle of the day as they were originally at the end of the day. Study halls got changed to the middle of the day as a result of her perseverance, which many students were happy about. If schools did not allow the student body to share their beliefs, it would be unfair because schools have authority over the children, meaning if most students do not agree with a rule they would not have the opportunity to change it.
Petitions, which have been seen as a great experience for students, have been used many times throughout The Benjamin School history. We as a student body should continue to take advantage of our special privilege whenever we see fit.