Costume Party

For the first time in three years, the Middle School will allow students to dress up for Halloween on Friday

Middle school students are in for a treat on Friday as Mr. Hagy and the faculty have agreed to let students show off their best Halloween attire.

Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road? He didn’t have any guts! Why didn’t the skeleton go to the ball? Because he had no body to go with. What room does a ghost not need? The living room! Yes, it is that time of year again (no, not for bad jokes): fall leaves, pumpkin seeds, cooler weather, and ghosts. In other words: Halloween! With October 31 just around the corner, people of all ages are preparing their costumes, homes, and/or candy bowls for this fun-filled night! But how come students can only express their Halloween spirit at home? Well, this year the rules have changed at The Benjamin Middle School for that very reason. In honor of Halloween, students will be allowed to dress up the day before on Friday, October 30.

Students will be allowed to wear “school appropriate outfits that are tasteful, [and] practical so they can be worn for the day and they take the spirit of the day at heart,” explained Head of Middle School Mr. Charles Hagy. “We just don’t want students treating it like a dress-down day and coming to school in their pajamas.” And while “school appropriate” is stressed, most students seem to believe these regulations are reasonable and fair.

“I think the rules are reasonable because we are at school and we should still follow the dress code,” commented eighth grader Macy Lewis, who will be dressing up as a firefighter. Seventh grader Grace Myers agreed: “I think that the rules are fair and that we are lucky to be able to dress up this year. Not all students got this privilege [in] the years before.”

However, some students raised interesting points about the rules governing Halloween apparel. “The rules regarding dressing up are, to me, not too fair,” mentioned sixth grader Luke Skonieczny. “Some kids want to dress down [and that] makes sense because we have to wear uniforms everyday,” he concluded. Yet, despite the rules, most students may actually dress up and get into the spirit of Halloween while maintaining a healthy learning environment. “We wanted to give you the opportunity to really have a great day as members of our community who get to participate in Halloween, as long as we can work together to make sure that it’s still a constructive day, that people take the spirit of the day to heart, and dress accordingly,” said Hagy. Hopefully students are grateful for this opportunity as the Middle School has not been allowed dress-up privileges for “about three years,” according to Hagy.

With the rules and expectations explained, students have one more challenge ahead of them before this fun-filled day: what to wear?

“I am dressing up as the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland,” said eighth grader Ashley Cousin. “I am dressing up as a black cat,” exclaimed excited sixth grader Emma Mayberry. Whether you’re a ghost or a princess, just keep the dress code in mind so that future middle school students can enjoy the same Halloween opportunity. And remember, the Middle School isn’t the only division dressing up.

The lower school students will have their annual Halloween parade tomorrow and will be joined by the upper school seniors. Both groups will be decked out in their best costumes. As is tradition, the middle schoolers will be able to watch the parade during the morning and will join the throng of parents, faculty, and staff lining the football field to get a glimpse of the menagerie of masks, makeup and outfits. [“I’m] super excited to see the lower schooler[s] in the parade,” said eighth grader Tatiani Ziff.

Perhaps the only thing more exciting is that middle schoolers will have their Halloween spirit on full display for the first time in a long time.