9/11 Cries

Born 8 months after a historical tragedy,

too young to understand the loss of memories.

Today we commemorate the day we lost,

all firefighters, heroes and humans at all costs.

The first plane crashed,

a disastrous surprise,

every man for themselves,

Osama Bin Laden with a set plan in disguise.

The second plane struck,

one could hear the sighs,

of the families praying along by their sides,

while people escaping,

fighting for their lives.

Mature enough to devote my time,

on this day,

to the heroes that pursued the climb.

Tears fall down my face every year,

as soon as I know this date is here.

Cries from the twin towers,

smoke arising,

how can one man have so much power.

No words to describe the streets evacuating,

in search of their loved ones, impatiently waiting.

After all of these events,

no one can’t comprehend,

when will these terrorist attacks begin again?