Video Games have been around for sixty-six years and games and their popularity has changed over time. One game that might sound familiar is Rainbow Six Siege, which is full of intricate mechanics that players must learn before being ranked. Along with knowing the mechanics, a player has to comprehend the maps, operators, and audio to stand a chance in a ranked play. In addition to understanding several mechanics, players must have satisfactory team coordination and patience. Dedicating team roles such as an anchor is crucial for victory in ranked competition. Rainbow Six Siege players frequently analyze professional gameplay and use the information to advance through ranked play.
Because of its unique building mechanics, reaching pro status in Fortnite is difficult. Fortnite stood out during the early battle royal craze thanks to its unique building mechanics. While the weapon mechanics and movement aren’t noteworthy, players must maintain an above-average skill level, mastering shotguns as they tie into the building mechanic. The building mechanic requires new players to learn a new skill and master it. Building adds an entirely new skill and has a nearly impossible ceiling to reach. The game also has two ranked modes, one without building and one with building. Fortnite’s highest rank is unreal, and players can check their position among the ranks through the unreal global leaderboard. To reach unreal, players must fight through seven ranks to reach the top.
Alongside Fortnite and Rainbow Six Siege, Valorant is another game that requires a lot of skill. Valorant was the most-watched FPS game on Twitch in 2022 and is showing no signs of slowing down. The game has a vibrant competitive community with frequent tournaments and thousands of online guides. Valorant is an FPS with a heavy emphasis on team coordination. The more coordinated a team is with its abilities, timing, and pushes – the more likely they are to outperform their opponents. Players must understand all agent abilities, have a strong map knowledge and consistently aim to hold their own in ranked. Players have created aim routes on AimLabs to improve their aim and give them an advantage in competitive play. The top rank in Valorant is called Radiant and it only holds 500 players. Reaching Radiant is a testament to their skill and unmatched understanding of the game.