Nacho Average Lunch
Eighth grader Rissy Dalton and Mr. Crisafi serve sixth grader Hudson Hale his lunch in Mr. Crisafi’s room.
At The Benjamin School, a new tradition is arising: Throwback Thursday! Every Thursday, a photo of someone from the Benjamin community (anybody who fits that description is fair game: students, teachers, staff) is be posted in The Neersyde in time for announcements on Thursday mornings. Students then race to be the first to provide a correct guess in the comment section under the photo, guessing who they think the person is. The first student to answer correctly earns a prize.

For this first week, the prize was any lunch the winner wanted, provided it was under ten dollars and at a restaurant within a three-mile radius of the school. The photo last week (pictured below) was reminiscent of Little Bo Peep, and guesses ranged from Mrs. Devine to Mrs. Lokitus to Dr. James. The third student to guess, sixth grader Hudson Hale, commented on the photo saying he thought the little girl was Mrs. Poncy, and he was correct! But, Hudson did not know he was the winner until the following Monday, September 29, when his victory was announced during assembly.
On the following Thursday, The Neersyde staff went all out to make Hudson’s day special. The Neersyde staff went out just before lunch and bought Hudson his meal choice: beef nachos from Tijuana Flats. At lunch Hudson’s food was served to him on a white tablecloth with candelabras and flowers in room 50 and he was waited on by Mr. Crisafi.
“I feel good about winning,” Hale asserted as he looked longingly at his beef nachos. .Of his winning guess he said, “Well, because she was really the only teacher I could think of, I mean a lot of people said it was Mrs. Devine or Mrs. Lokitus, but they both have freckles.” Staff writer Bella Cavallo asked Hale as well how he felt about The Neersyde’s decision to inaugurate the new Throwback Thursday tradition. “I think it will be really fun for everyone,” he commented. And the beef nachos? According to Hudson, he thought they were very good. “I loved it!” Hale exclaimed. When asked if was going to share his food with his father, (aka Mr. Hagy) Hale replied, “Um, let me think about that…no I am not going to share my nachos with him.”
If you think it sounds like Hudson Hale had so much fun, just remember, this could be you! Although the prizes will vary, they will all be special. Remember to check The Neersyde every week and comment on the Throwback Thursday picture!