Battling the Boredom and Missing Friends
Students are trying a number of different things to ward off the monotony as a result of the coronavirus isolation.
Eighth grader Luca Balzano plays some indoor hoops to pass the time during the lockdown.
We are all prisoners. The coronavirus, a global pandemic, has left people all over the world in their own prison cells. Unable to leave their homes, students are having to adapt to this new change and spend their house arrest doing at-home activities to cure their boredom. From shooting hoops to playing video games to participating in various family activities, the list is getting shorter and shorter for students who have been quarantined at home since March 13.

Sixth grader Landon Ferguson gets some exercise on his trampoline.
“During this quarantine, I have been spending lots of time with family,” said eighth grader Daelan Pinsky. “With my family, I have been watching movies and spending quality time enjoying our company [together]. We couldn’t do this during regular weeks due to the responsibilities of having school. I have also been laying low until all this time passes. Meaning, I have not been leaving my home and hoping this time passes quickly.”
To pass the time, students have been trying their best to entertain themselves with various activities.
“I’ve been playing video games and playing basketball to pass this very boring time,” said Pinsky.
“In this quarantine, I have been spending my time sleeping, watching shows, doing homework, and swimming,” said fellow eighth grader Chloe Fong. “It is upsetting that I cannot see my friends anymore. I am limited to my own home and rarely going outside.”
Because of the lockdown, many students are actually missing the fact that they cannot go to school.
“In this quarantine, I have not been doing many things,” said eighth grader Matthew Barron. “I have been playing video games and going outside to play basketball. I miss school as well as my teachers and friends.”
The quarantine has even motivated students to try some new things.
“I dislike not being able to leave my house,” said eighth grader Grayson Murphy. “I wouldn’t normally dye my hair, but this quarantine has led me to try new hairstyles. I have been going outside to swim and ride my bike to pass time.”
With their schedules disrupted and the inability to go anywhere because of the coronavirus, students are looking forward to life getting back to normal.
“This time has been very boring, and I hope it passes soon,” said Pinsky. “Quarantine has not been the best because I cannot hang out with my friends.”