Student Council Elections Today
Anthony Kearns has a series of funny posters, like this one, posted on the back door to the MS Office.
The Student Council elections are being held today, and The Neersyde is offering an exclusive look at the candidates for each position. Only The Neersyde will offer middle school students this recap of the candidate speeches prior to voting. The four offices for which students are voting are president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary.

The poster for Brieanna Pauldo, running for president, hangs in the eighth-grade hallway.
Running for president are candidates Anthony Kearns and Brieanna Pauldo, both eighth graders. Kearns thinks he deserves this position because he “will bring imagination” to the position and is “very enthusiastic and would love to help and serve the Benjamin community”, as he stated in his nomination statement. One of his innovative ideas is to “use the veggies the Garden Club grows and donate them to a local soup kitchen.” Brieanna Pauldo is running for president because she “will work hard,” and she also thinks that “a girl president would be a good change”. She says she “can listen to what the students want and fight for them.” For instance, she will try to implement uniform-free Fridays for all middle school students.
Running for vice president unopposed is Maggie Toothman, an eighth grader. Running for treasurer

One of Maks’ posters as he is running for treasurer this year
are candidates Mitch Faloona and Maks Silagy, both seventh graders. Faloona has many ideas for the position including a CPR day, selling heart-healthy snacks at the Buc Café, and tube-free toilet paper. One of Maks’ goals is to make sure the Buc Café is fully stocked, so no one leaves empty handed. He enjoys accepting payments, filling out deposit slips, and keeping track of the day’s receipts.

Mitch Faloona’s poster has a clever slogan and design.
Running for secretary unopposed is seventh grader Louisa Weed. She feels that because she is “a very organized person…[who] maintain[s] [her] grades,” she will make a very effective secretary. The Neersyde has also included photos of the candidates’ campaign posters for your perusal as you make your voting decisions. Now you may vote for the candidate who you think will do the best job, and good luck to all of those running for office.