Studying for Finals, as Explained by Snapchats

Figure 1

Figure 1: Feeling optimistic and fresh off a final, a student celebrates by climbing into an SUV and taking a selfie. Bonus if you get a bored sibling in the back. Double bonus if that sibling is also taking a selfie. Selfie inception? At this point, the student will go to either the mall or the beach and proceed to take more selfies or harass workers at Build-A-Bear. The author, for reasons of safety, attempted neither.


Figure 2: The student convinces themselves that consumption of a Starbucks drink will help them study. Never mind that this drink is about .0001% coffee and about 99% sugar. Sugar helps with concentration, right? Right?

Figure 3
Figure 3


Figure 3: Later in the evening, the student finally locates her study guide, if only for the purpose of artfully arranging it on a table to take a picture. After all, why study unless you look the part? And make sure everyone knows about it.


Figure 4
Figure 4

Figure 4: All beings must gain sustenance. Note the open book in the shot to highlight the student’s multi-tasking abilities.


Figure 5
Figure 5

Figure 5: The student is very easily distracted at this point. This may be the 398,595th picture of their dogs the student has shared. But aren’t they cuuuuuuute??


Figure 6: Panic descends. Suddenly the student realizes the weight of her decisions and questions her ability to do anything successful ever again. Figure 6 shows a plea for help for friends. The world seems like a very unfair place at this point. Illness may be faked.


Figure 6
Figure 6

Figure 7: The next morning. Nothing helps misery like sharing it. Blame the teachers.

Figure 7
Figure 7

No animals or seventh graders were harmed  in the making of this piece. However, Miss Gleason did feel barfy for about an hour after drinking the sugar madness known as a frappuccino. Thanks to Coach Keller for letting me borrow his dogs and his meatloaf.