Middle School Celebrates Veterans Day with Reverent Ceremony
Featured speaker Mr. Marc Washington, dressed in his army uniform, addresses the crowd on Kennerly Field.
There are people in this world who would do anything for their country. In America we have a special day for such individuals: Veterans Day. On this day, which falls on November 11 each year, people all over the United States think about the great sacrifices that have been made by our soldiers and service men and women who give their time, talent, and even their lives for our freedom. People thank their family members and friends for their service and bow their heads in solemn remembrance of the men and women who didn’t come home. At Benjamin’s Middle School, History Department Chair and seventh-grade history teacher Marshall Mullnix arranged a touching celebration for all veterans who give so much for our country.
The program began with Mr. Mullnix providing some historical context for Veterans Day which, he noted, was once called Armistice Day and was originally intended to celebrate the Allies’ victory in WWI and honor those Americans who died in that conflict.
Mullnix then introduced Mr. Marc Washington, the house manager for the Barker Performing Arts Center and an army veteran, who delivered a memorable speech. Mr. Washington spoke of his firm belief of not only celebrating deceased veterans, but living veterans as well. He said to not only remember “[the] fallen heroes, both men and women, who lost their lives in their duties for our great country, but [also] the soldiers that are still serving our country in foreign countries [now].” Washington also read a poem, which was written by a friend for a flag retirement ceremony, about the honor and dedication of serving the United States. A flag retirement ceremony is a solemn event in which people patriotically burn a flag that is too worn out to use, then bury the ashes.
Eighth grader Chloe Jezerinac then read an untitled original poem of her own. “My grandpa served in Vietnam,” she said, “and that really inspired me to write a poem.”
Seventh-grade chorus members Olivia Cornett and Briley Crisafi, accompanied by eighth grader Nicholas Lama on piano, sang “Coming Home”, a song written by veterans for Veterans Day. After that, the Middle School Performance Ensemble played “The Armed Forces March” and “Stars and Stripes Forever.” To end the ceremony, Mr. Mullnix urged students to “shake a veterans hand for their service to our country and the preservation of our freedom.” He also reminded those in attendance that “Every day is Veterans Day.”
The touching ceremony was a hit for students, who enjoyed the new speaker this year.
“This was the best celebration of Veterans Day I’ve ever been to,” said seventh grader Nick Lutz. Added sixth grader Teresa Tuong, “I was really touched by the ceremony. The organizers did a great job.”
As he does every year, Mr. Mullnix organized the event and consulted with Band Director Mr. Bruce Huber and Choral Director Mr. Andrew Winters regarding song selection.
However, it seems the countless hours of preparation were definitely worth it. “This was our best Veterans Day ceremony yet,” said Head of Middle School Mr. Charles Hagy.