Students to Take Part in Competition to Benefit Feeding Children Everywhere

TBS Students will participate in a food-packing competition to benefit Feed the Childen.
On Monday, March 9th, Student Council will be hosting a food packing competition and presentation by Feeding Children Everywhere, a non-profit organization that fights hunger in the United States and around the world. This Student Council project is being run by eighth grader Brieanna Pauldo. The twelve volunteers for each grade will pack lentil casseroles as fast as they can for twenty minutes, and the grade that packs the most food will win a free breakfast served by Student Council. The goal is to pack 4,500 meals, according to Feeding Children Everywhere website. At the upper school on Wednesday, February 26th, volunteers packed over 17,000 meals. The meal that is packed, a lentil casserole, is chosen for many reasons. The lentils are high in iron, folate, fiber, and have healthy proteins. The meal also contains Pink Himalayan Salt, white rice, and vegetables. Anthony Kearns, Student Council president, has said that for every item that was sold in the Buc Cafe, Student Council has donated 25 cents to Feeding Children Everywhere in addition to the meals.. Good luck to all the packers and may the best grade win!