The Bee Begins

Mr. Crisafi

Eighth grader Madison Lichtig is given a word to spell by Mrs. Devine yesterday. Lichtig qualified for the school finals next week.

Last week, 33 students in grades six, seven, and eight qualified for the School spelling bee which will take place in the BPAC on Wednesday, January 14.  All students in these two grades participated in the bee in each of their respective English classes. The bees were conducted orally, not written, with each student having to spell the word aloud after the word was provided by that student’s English teacher. Two winners were drawn from each section (and one section had three) for a total of 33 school bee qualifiers. The 33 qualifiers are as follows:

Sixth Grade

  • Lukas Burnett
  • Olivia Cornett
  • Julian DiFilippo
  • Robin Howley
  • Nick Lutz
  • Will Mahon
  • Cade Odom
  • Kayla Schneider
  • Andrew Weisz
  • Skyler Zur

Seventh Grade

  • Katie Abrams
  • Alec Adam
  • Christian Baldari
  • Alex Cohen
  • Mitch Faloona
  • Charlotte Faxon
  • Royce Howley
  • Caroline Moody
  • Ned Murphy
  • Michael Yancey

Eighth Grade

  • Marc Alintoff
  • Blake Chami
  • Rachel Haselkorn
  • Matt Henderson
  • Madison Lichtig
  • Noelle Matese
  • Danny Rexroad
  • Robert Rubin
  • Trent Saslow
  • Samantha Sweeney
  • John Thompson
  • Maddy Tighe
  • Ramesses Walker

Of the 33 finalists in next week’s school-wide bee, only one will be crowned The Benjamin School champion! That lucky winner will then go on to represent TBS at the regional bee which will also be held in the BPAC on our campus. Who will it “bee”? Stay tuned to find out!