Veteran’s Day Assembly
Student Council President Thomas Harris reads the names of veterans in middle school student’s families.
Every year, the Benjamin Middle School holds a ceremony to honor those who have served in the military. However, this year’s assembly was different because it was held on the same day of another Middle School tradition: Grandest Friends’ Day.
The ceremony began when Head of Middle School, Mr. Chuck Hagy, welcomed the Middle School and the Grandest Friends. Afterwards, Head of School, Mr. David Faus, talked about the importance of Veteran’s Day. History teachers, Mrs. Chrissie Ferguson and Mr. Rudy Devries, discussed the importance of the Pledge of Allegiance and the flag of the United States. After these powerful speeches, eighth grader Ava Shawe sang the “Star Spangled Banner.”

“Veterans Day is important to middle school because we honor the people who served for our country,” says sixth grader Laney Sukhu, who has an uncle that is a veteran.
Afterwards, a fifth grade student recited an original poem. Then, student council president Thomas Harris and eighth grader Elizabeth Merrill named Middle School students’ and teachers’ veterans in their family. They also named math teacher Mr. Cosimo Marcantonio, who served in the navy for four years.
While the reading of the names of the veterans in our community can sometimes take a bit longer, it is important that we take the time to say each individual name,” says Ferguson.

Sixth graders Ella Ventzek, Singita Chopra, Ana Etcheverry, Johnny Ferguson, Michael Bogue, and Sydney Beach recited the famous poem “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae. It is about honoring fallen soldiers in WWI. After reciting this poem, seventh grader Misha Liberzon and eighth grader Bronson Levine recited the poem “I Am a Veteran” by Andrea Brett. This poem was meant to honor all veterans.
“It is important to honor veterans that have served for our country,” says seventh grader Taylor McCorkle.
After this poem was recited, Mrs. Ferguson invited Michael McCorkle, the father of Taylor McCorkle and eighth grader Aidan McCorkle. He discussed how his life was saved by others around him. Then, he talked about how slowly he realized the importance of Veterans Day. After this speech, Middle School Chinese teacher Ms. Kimberly Latimer sang “God Bless America.”
During Grandest Friends’ Day, students and their Grandest Friends could see the Missing Man Table, a symbolic representation of soldiers not returning to their homes. Seventh grader Sophia Lapter told students about the importance of the table.
“The missing man table serves as a reminder to us all that we have many men and women who do not always return home from service. It is a reminder of all those who have fallen or who remain missing or imprisoned. It is important that we view the “Missing Man Table” with respect as we reflect on those brave men and women who have served and fought for our freedom with honor,” says Ferguson.
To finish the ceremony, eighth graders Matthew Fitzpatrick and Serena Brand played the song “Taps” on the xylophone.
This year, not only did the students get to witness this event but also their Grandest Friends on the same day.