Mr. Crisafi
This year's candidates (left to right): Anthony Kearns, Louisa Weed, Brieanna Pauldo, Maggie Toothman, Maks Silagy, and Mitch Faloona
The polls are officially closed! The Neersyde once again is the only news source at The Benjamin School who can provide students, faculty, and staff with up-to-the-minute breaking news. Today, we are pleased to bring The Benjamin community the exclusive results of the 2014 Middle School Student Council election. Seventh grader Louisa Weed is the new secretary of Student Council. Fellow seventh grader Maks Silagy is treasurer. Vice President is Maggie Toothman. And the new president of Student Council is Anthony Kearns . Congratulations to all the candidates and to Mrs. Corey for preparing them for their speeches and her efforts with our Student Council. Remember, stay up-to-the-minute with what’s happening in The Benjamin Middle School with The Neersyde.